Early Modern England: Medicine, Shakespeare, and Books
Bibliography: Works displayed at the John Martin Rare Book Room Open House, March 23, 2017
1. GEORGE BARTISCH. Opthalmodouleia; das ist, Augendienst. Dresden, 1583.
2. STEVEN A. BLANKAART. A Physical Dictionary. London, 1684.
3. TIMOTHY BRIGHT. A treatise of melancholy. London, 1586.
4. ROBERT BURTON. The Anatomy of Melancholy. Oxford, 1624.
5. HELKIAH CROOKE. Mikrokosmographia: A description of the body of man. London, 1615.
6. SIR THOMAS ELYOT. The castell of helth. London, 1560.
7. JOHN HALL. An historiall expostulation: Against the beastlye abusers, both of chyrurgerie and physyke, in our tyme. London, 1844.
8. JAMES HOWELL and THOMAS VAUGHN. A hermeticall banquet, drest by a spagirically cook: for the better preservation of the microcosme. London, 1652.
9. IBN BUTLAN. Tacuini sanitatis Elluchasem Elimithar. Strasbourg, 1531.
10. LEVINUS LEMNIUS. Della complessione del corpo humano libri. Venice, 1564.
11. EUCHARIUS ROSSLIN. The birth of mankind, otherwise named the woman’s booke. Set foorth in English by Thomas Raynalde. London, 1604.
12. WILLIAM SALMON. The family dictionary; or, household companion. London, 1695.
13. JEAN BAPTISTE VAN HELMONT. Opuscula medica inaudita. Amsterdam, 1648.
14. ANDREAS VESALIUS. De humani corporis fabrica libri septem. Basel, 1555.
15. CHRISTOF WIRSUNG and JACOB MOSAN. Praxis medicinae universalis, or, A general practice of physicke. London, 1598.
16. NICHOLAS CULPEPER (1616-1654). Pharmacopoeia Londinensis; or, The London Dispensatory, 1669.
17. DIOSCORIDES PEDANIUS ANAZARBEI (ca. 50 AD). Commentarii, in libros sex Pedacii Dioscoridis Anazarbei, De Medica Materia, 1554.
18. REMBERT DODOENS (1517-1585). A nievve herbal, or, Historie of plantes, 1578.
19. LEONHART FUCHS (1501-1566). De historia stirpium commentarii insignes, 1542.
20. ADAM LONICER (1528-1586). Kreuterbuch, kuntstliche Conterfeytunge der Bäume, Stauden, Hecken, Kreuter, Getreyde, Gewürte, 1587.
21. AMATO LUSITANO (1511-1568). In Dioscoridis Anazarbei De medica materia libros quinque, 1558.
22. JOHN PARKINSON (1567-1650). Theatrum Botanicum, 1640.
23. ULISSE ALDROVANDI (1522-1605). Monstrorum historia, 1642-1657.
24. GASPAR SCHOTT (1608-1666). Physica curiosa, sive mirabilia naturae et artis libris XII, 1697.
25. AVENZOAR (d. 1162). Abhomeron Abynzohar. Colliget Averroys. Venice, 1514.
26. GIROLAMO CARDANO (1501-1576). In septem Aphorismorum Hippocratis particulas commentaria. . . . De venenorum differentiis, viribus, & adversus ea remediorum praesidiis. . . . De providentia temporum liber. Basel, 1564.
27. JOHN GERARD (1545-1612) AND THOMAS JOHNSON (d. 1644). The herball or Generall historie of plantes. London, 1633.
28. FRANCESCO REDI (1626-1698). Osservazioni intorno alle vipere. Florence, 1664.
29. JOHANN JAKOB WEPFER (1620-1695). Cicutae aquaticae historia et noxae : commentario illustrata. Basileae, 1679.
30. SIR FRANCIS BACON (1561-1626). Sylva Sylvarum, or, A natural history, in ten centuries, 1670.
31. ROBERT BOYLE (1627-1691). Certain physiological essays, 1661.
32. SIR THOMAS BROWNE (1605-1682). A true and full coppy of that which was most imperfectly and Surreptitiously printed before under the name of Religion Medici, 1643.
33. GIROLAMO CARDANO (1501-1576). La metoposcopie, 1658.
34. HELKIAH CROOKE (1576-1635) and READ, ALEXANDER (1586?-1641). Somatographia anthropine, or, a description of the body of man, 1634.
35. SIR KENELM DIGBY (1603-1665). A late discourse made in a solemn assembly of nobles and learned men at Montpellier in France, touching the cure of wounds by the powder of sympathy, 1664.
36. ROBERT HOOKE (1635-1703). Micrographia: or, Some physiological descriptions of minute bodies made by magnifying glasses, 1665.
37. PARACELSUS (1493-1541). Astronomica et Astrologica, 1567.
©2017 John Martin Rare Book Room, Hardin Library for the Health Sciences, 600 Newton Road, Iowa City, IA 52242-1098
Image: Sir John Everett Millais, Ophelia (detail), 1851-52, oil on canvas, 76.2 x 111.8 cm, Tate Gallery, London.